This is how the loonies of the left get Trump elected. And the SF Chronicle did cover the story but it needs national exposure beyond the Fox propaganda outlet.

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Women are not a testosterone level.

Women are not humans with long hair.

Women are female.

Women’s sports exist for the sole reason that they are not male.

Males who wish to perform feminine stereotypes and undergo medical or surgical procedures are free to do so, after the age of consent— they’re still male & their brothers in sports, bathrooms, and institutions of correction should accept them.

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Thank You for reporting on this!

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Hi Hazel-Rah, You're very welcome. Unfortunately the mainstream media is deliberately avoiding the subject in general, and so far, this case in particular.

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This was in WaPo today. The empathy always runs in one direction: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2024/trans-sports-girls-florida-bans/

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And WAPO is supposedly a right leaning organization.

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Exactly. A sad situation. Still - the Post refuses to address the wrongs done to girls. Which is to say: actual girls.

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Dreadful article. I notice that comments are not enabled.

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Interesting. And yes - there are so many errors. For instance:

<<Because she started puberty blockers before her body began making testosterone, her hormone levels looked like any other girl’s.>>

Not true in general. Testosterone infusions start in utero. Otherwise, boys would not develop male genitals.

<<Without [testosterone], a trans girl like Elizabeth likely has no physical advantage, researchers have found.>>

Also not true. The research cited was conducted by a board member of WPATH, the same organization that, in their latest "standards of care," removed any lower age limit for surgeries and hormones, listed "eunuch" as a gender identity - and has been totally debunked by the Cass Review, which found no evidence for that even social transitions are beneficial, much less surgeries and hormones.

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Excellent column! I've been using #NoMalesInWomensSports for a number of years and so I love seeing the graphic in the column.

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Cool. Feel free to share.

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Two facts I respectfully recommend you edit it the column:

1. This is actually Fleming's third year playing for SJSU.

2. Utah State didn't forfeit vs. SJSU; it was a non-conference tournament and the game was just canceled, with neither team recording a win or a loss.

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You're right. It's complicated to explain some of these details but they matter. Thank you. Will clarify.

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I applaud the coaches and schools supporting their female athletes. Finally. I get tired of hearing "this nonsense would stop if girls refused to play". That's not how high school or collegiate sports work

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It’s infuriating when women are told not to speak up. We will not be quiet on these issues.

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Yes and at college, no less!

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YW. I also agree the details on this issue are important and it's important our side get them right. Thanks for all you do!

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And thank you, Jim, for your support. Clarified that only Boise State counts as a loss.

But left the third-year part out since I got Fleming's "redshirt senior" designation from the SJSU website itself. They say Fleming played in 2022 and only part of 2023 due to injury. Fleming transferred from Coastal Carolina after one year (perhaps related to the South Carolina law restricting males to male teams, BTW), seems to have taken a covid year... and all of that seems to me to be summarized sufficiently with "redshirt senior." Do you still think that "third year" part needs to be added?

Since we agree details and facts matter... just thought I'd explain and ask. :-)

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SJSU is scheduled to play BSU in Boise in November and so it's likely this story will have a sequel.

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Yes, and ICONS is calling on all of their opponents to boycott. Stay tuned!

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Great insights and explanation and another example of what women face in this culture to just get a fair shake!

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Hi Kathleen, Yes, unfortunately just one example of many, but I hope this tide, at least, is turning.

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